High Altitude Fun!

Over the weekend I spent some time with a couple of friends.  It was around 2:30 pm and we were all ready to go out and enjoy the gorgeous weather.  (It was a really sunny Saturday.)  Anyways, we were spit balling some ideas around and someone came up with the bright idea to go drive… Continue reading High Altitude Fun!

Spring Breaking The Rules: Wet and Wild Edition

The one side of Nonspecific Prolific Parker you have yet to be introduced to is his rebellious side, due to my naturally well-mannered and polite self.  However, in the past week I have been nothing but rebellious.  Run-ins with the law, countless security guard confrontations, and an occasional high-speed chase were all part of the… Continue reading Spring Breaking The Rules: Wet and Wild Edition

A Day in the Life of a Lonely Soul: With Nothing Known and Everything to Learn

As I stand on my front lawn, I feel a light breeze against my unclothed body.  An intense quiver surges through my torso.  The dark, dreary night time sky, surrounds me at all sides.  Gazing at the stars, I feel vulnerable, and hopeless.  Thoughts flood through my mind, and water begins to build at the… Continue reading A Day in the Life of a Lonely Soul: With Nothing Known and Everything to Learn